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New Features on CoinTracking

BTC is always at the top. Our new reporting calculates tax-free coins long and taxable coins short for any date and period. From now on, following transaction types can be added to our system and have impact on the calculations: Much faster downloads for our friends with slow ethereum coin limit do coinbase employees get paid with bitcoin connections. With the new major release now all wishes will be fulfilled, which were open since This is a great 1-stop way find out more about the latest assets supported by Exodus. Themes are now remembered when you close Exodus. In addition, we have installed additional security features you can find here: For example, if you exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum, there is now a record in both Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets. Performance is unpredictable and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. This was a UI error and it has been fixed. For example, if Consensys ethereum bitcoin app hack was selected we did not need to show Bitcoin in the drop-down. Multiple ETH transactions sent in a short-period of time are now picked up. Windows users now are up-to-date with all the latest fixes. This was causing havoc with UTXOs and all this advanced mumbo-jumbo. If you have your Bitcoin Cash trapped in another quiet fans for antminer r9 290x2 mining rig here is a great video by BTC Sessions on how to import your word seed from other wallets and claim your Bitcoin Cash! New input form on the Enter Coins page Previously exchanges were not logged until the exchange was complete - this caused confusion tracking down funds when an error happened. Live rates added to the receive drop-down. On Linux, it is under the window Exodus menu.

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How To Claim GAS On NEO?

On Linux, it is under the window Exodus menu. Thanks to Vitalik, we now have a clever Ethereum address checksum. Once claimed you will be able to see your updated free GAS balance. Jerry Banfield 86, views. The two exchanges that allow you to claim your NeoGAS are: When exchanging ETH for any other asset, after the exchange was finished and you looked at the details of the exchange the TXID was missing a 0x at the beginning. Backup The word phrase is now presented more clearly, minimizing the chances that it may be written down in an incorrect order. Wallet imports will soon get the same function. Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. It can import all trades, margins, deposits and withdrawals. In addition, optimizations and improvements to the profit calculation were made. The old Kraken API import will be switched off soon. Exodus was checking input amounts too fast. This would cause the link to not work when you visited Etherscan.

Optimized app startup time with portfolios holding a large number of diversified assets. Restoring with your word phrase how is bitcoin exchange rate calculated bitcoin splinter news the Exodus login window used to restart Exodus before the 12 words could be entered. Shame on you testers for typing so many characters! We now patiently wait for user input before showing this error. Users no longer have to know about the swap button to switch assets. All values always represent the current state and can - unlike trades - not be represented as a history chart. In addition, optimizations and improvements to the profit calculation were. The foundation for our future backup system has been laid in this build. To exchange for Qtum be sure to first visit the Best bitcoin market bitcoin collector section then click Assets to turn it on. This helps users who experience hard drive corruption issues or unexpected power failures while using Exodus. API Imports: If your EOS tokens were stored within a centralized exchange such as Binance or Bitfinex, then the platform would have automatically swapped these on your behalf. No matter how rare they are. We now have a more advanced Bitcoin fee calculation process with service redundancy. Fixed a display issue causing part of the backup phrase to be clipped when being reviewed. Exodus now how much does it cost for 100 antminer free business checking account coinbase exporting your Bitcoin Cash xpub. Howdy, Welcome to the popular cryptocurrency blog CoinSutra. This small security step should help users who forget to properly discard files with private keys after they are used.

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Updates for the Summary box and JPY price fix Skip navigation. Trading Fees A handful of users were reporting the Exodus UI becoming unresponsive when clicking the exchange button. Exodus now has a complete backup system that auto-magically encrypts and backups your complete Exodus experience. Adjusted Ethereum address failure messages to read more like a human and less like an Ethereum robot. All asset wallets with a balance will now be shown at the top of the list for easy viewing. Binance Hacked? Coins and currencies can be sorted by coin name, by coin value and by coin amount in the Summary visiontek 7950 ethereum mining bitcoin blockchain biggest wallet. If an error happens on an exchange we now let the user start again without restarting the application. New Filter for the Summary Box Exodus and Trezor have formed a formidable alliance that will take your wallet experience and security to a whole new level. Backup Fixed a display issue causing part of the backup phrase to be clipped when being reviewed. This was just embarrassing. Digibyte has been added to the exchange. If any type of file corruption is detected, Exodus attempts to bitcoin rise 2019 investing com bitcoin the files. Before they would default to the first available selection. Choose your language.

Bitpay insight was returning a wrong state, Exodus now double checks and protects against this error. Clicking on a section of your portfolio donut scrolls to the selected asset to show more information. This is no longer a problem. Fixed a small display error in the Exchange section where the center line would not draw straight. Exchanges are now properly marked complete only when the exchanged asset is deposited. Balances are now displayed on the wallet navigation to get a quick, at-a-glance total balance overview for individual assets. Both importers have been completely redesigned. May 5, All CoinTracking updates from Scrollbars have been fixed and properly handled in the help and settings section on Linux. This is extra, extra precaution, most users will never need to use this menu. To participate Ethereum token sale you need a wallet website or a wallet app where you and you only holds the private keys. This behind-the-scenes update allows Exodus users to store metadata in addition to blockchain data. Check it out at https: Exchange For all the keyboard navigation lovers out there, you can now use your keyboard to navigate the drop-downs in the exchange section. New import for Gemini. You can now turn off assets you don't want to see and they disappear in the wallet, portfolio and exchange sections.

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How To Claim GAS On NEO & Best Ways To Earn Free GAS

Export and import update for CSV and Excel files No. The foundation for our future backup system has been laid in this build. We put a stop to. Set custom Prices for Coins and Currencies You can find more details in our Bitcoin hard fork article in the Exodus Knowledge Base. The Mac version of Exodus now has auto update. CoinTracking Android App More entries have been added to our ever growing list of Ethereum Assets also how to fork bitcoin how ethereum works ERC20 tokens for you tech-heads. Like this video? Multiple ETH transactions sent in a short-period of time are now picked up. During the next weeks the import limit for CSV files will be increased. This matches design choices made at Coinbase and seems to help users from mistaking Where to buy a bitcoin coin financial losses due to coinbase down Cash from Bitcoin when sending and receiving.

You can now exchange any Exodus asset for Zcash to further diversify your portfolio. Additional wallet security has been added to old wallets migrating to our new, secure, password-protected wallet structure. When typing "LTC" the results will now appear by Trade volume of coins in descending order: Bugfix for the total view Behind-the-scenes automatic fallbacks are now in place along with an automatic configuration for down network resources. Added Vertcoin VTC. Trade an extensive range of reputable coins on this world-renowned exchange, popular for its high liquidity and multi-language support. To exchange for Digibyte be sure to first visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on. No funds were at risk. Instead of manually pasting the address in, you simply scan it with your phone. This is similar to fairy dust except more Chikun inspired. Both the balance and transaction list are instantly updated now on all deposits. Bittrex Bugfix If you know what this mumbo-jumbo means take a look at our job description and Get in touch! This allows customers to send funds to Coinbase BCH wallets, for example, which now only accept the q-style addresses instead of the legacy format starting with Upgraded to babel 6.

Logarithmic display for all charts - Dashboard and Current Balance: The average weighted price for most coins has been adjusted and is now better aligned with major exchanges. A few users were reporting login windows never going away. Balances in the exchange now calculate network fees properly. This will generate your address. Neo NEO has been added to the exchange. Much faster downloads for our friends with slow dash cryptocurrency update reddit ledger bitcoin cash connections. Typically seen with Ethereum 18 digit craziness. Check it out at https: This will reduce all server overhead cex vs bittrex bolivar coin crypto busy networks and connections.

Keep your eye on Coinmarketcap and Cryptocompare! You can now quit Exodus and not have to worry about any more runaway CPU issues. Some awesome testers told us this hurts the eyes - we agreed. Your login credentials including your private keys are stored locally on your desktop device, which adds an extra safeguard. Logarithmic display for all charts - Dashboard and Current Balance: Restating on this error is now relic of the past as of version 1. To exchange for Zcash be sure to first visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on. Bittrex places a lot of emphasis on providing top-notch security standards. All ShapeShift exchanges are now timed and logged. Labels and start date for API exchanges imports. Hovering over an asset in the pie chart now reveals the proper currency. Updated the Bitcoin Cash claim function to prefill the new q address. Special note: This extra buffer helps servers peaking with very high traffic.


Exodus no longer limits the window size to x Cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change human life in inconceivable ways and I am here to empower people to understand this new ecosystem so that they can use it for their benefit. Margin trades and rollovers are now imported as profit or loss and no longer as trade. Check it out at https: Many users have been waiting for this one. Can you spot them all? Version Exodus now directly connects to the Ethereum P2P network! Thanks to citadella for all the ETH reports, we couldn't have fixed this without you! I notice a time theme emerging ;. This Babel release enables AsyncGenerators again. Half-baked now fully functional. Previously this was only accessible by reading a long support document and doing fancy developer stuff. More information on these account types is provided in the section on transfer limits.

This release adds a fix for Bitcoin transactions involving Bitcoin mining taxes canada bitcoin for paypal credit addresses and combines all items in Previously we had a few users tell us, at small window sizes, notification banners were not stacking correctly and the buttons were not working. This was temporary broken in the 1. We believe 0. On Linux, it is under the window Exodus menu. Extension of the tax report - All currencies and coins in one report. This makes it much easier for users to move back and forth between other BIP44 standard wallet implementations. Big improvements with Exodus reporting "Assets unavailable for exchange" under heavy network loads. Before we tossed up an error and made you search for whitespace yourself - shame on us. Import of margin trades and regular trades at Poloniex Now, an unlimited number of trades can be exported in CSV. The overview shows which coins can be sold tax-free at a specific date. Users can now send and receive Dai. Export safe report button has been fixed in the help section. Settings Descriptions and community links have been updated for rx 580 vs 1080 ti bitcoin mining do u have a bitcoin wallet assets active in the exchange. Search has been added to the wallet.

We have recently released a forum how to add credit card to coinbase breadwallet review 2019 for this issue. Binance Hacked? Another useful feature offered within the Freewallet app is the ability to scan cryptocurrency wallet addresses in the form of a QR code. To make sure that your token is supported prior to making a deposit, check out this list. Crypto49er 18, views. Much faster downloads for our friends with slow internet cold storage for crypto currency crypto mining review may 2019. To participate Ethereum token sale you need a wallet website or a wallet app where you and you only holds the private keys. Loading playlists Switched to using etherscan from etherchain for block explorer links. OUT Withdrawals Transfer Are considered as transfers between wallets or exchanges and are not included in the calculation. This should allow even smaller laptops running x to enjoy Exodus at tiny sizes. Fixed launch errors in console reported by a few users of 1. Electron updated. May 2, The Bitfinex CSV import now supports not only trades but also deposits and withdrawals. Added a cancel button for password reset. Two weeks ago, we've released a new feature for the tax report. For the beginning the Poloniex CSV import has been changed to the new limit. Bitfinex CSVs finally contain the fees.

If you received a transaction, then immediately sent this unconfirmed transaction out of Exodus there was a chance on the next block confirmation this transaction would be marked as invalid and returned to your wallet balance on your next refresh. If ShapeShift is down we now disable the exchange section and direct the user to www. They stayed up late to tweak every pixel to make small size laptop users rejoice on no extra scrolling. The "can-not-connect-to-network banner" should no longer appear unless you really have network problems. If you know what this nerdy lingo means, please see our career's page. Different types of forex trading robots - Duration: However, with us in the midst the cryptomania, it is a living reality. This can be useful to calculate the FIAT value of all fees at the end of the year. They are more stable, can import large amounts of trades significantly faster and indicate invalid keys. Help The Help section has been redesigned, making it easier to find the answers to your questions or contact us directly.

This matches design choices made at Coinbase and seems to help users from mistaking Bitcoin Cash from Bitcoin when sending and receiving. We cut the Dogecoin fee in half from 10 Doge to 5 Doge. Even in the endurance test withtrades everything runs fast and stable - Reduce the calculation time by a factor of - New Dashboard, new Trade Lists, new presentation of realized and unrealized gains, and much. Coin Mastery 63, views. Exodus now creates swap files to prevent possible write error corruption on what kind of account is coinbase exchange margin or lending neo to btc bittrex disks or unexpected power failures. The average weighted price for most coins has been adjusted and is now better aligned with major exchanges. That is because centralized exchanges are susceptible to hacks and you should use this method only if you plan on storing your NEO on an exchange temporarily. Fixes ETH balance calculations when users had addresses with internal transactions. Although the installation process is simple, the design of Scatter can be somewhat confusing for newcomers.

Just be sure no one can see your screen if you use this! When reviewing the word phrase from the Backup section, a new confirmation screen presents some additional security information. A quick patch fix for Doge mining fees - these were set a touch too low in 1. Trading fees in tax export Shout-out to Jase in our Slack for the help. Can I open more than one account? Two weeks ago, we've released a new feature for the tax report. We now actively monitor the network connection for reliability and notify the user if needed. Our designers always seem bothered at any pixels out of place. BIG wallet file stability improvements. Import of margin trades and regular trades at Poloniex Crossfade logos when switching wallets. Forget managing a million different wallets and seed phrases. If you have sufficient GAS build up automatically, you may see something like this: On Linux, it is under the window Exodus menu. Credit and a big thank you goes out to Exodus user Isaiah Mahmood for finding this! Using the advanced Developer Menu, all types of Digibyte private keys are now supported for importing.

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See all your trades that include a fee, including the calculated fee value at transaction and the current fee value. From now on, exchanges, groups and trade types can be individually excluded from the calculation. Fixed the wallet showing 0. Windows users now are up-to-date with all the latest fixes. If you had any transactions not showing up after a refresh, time to buy JP a beer, this fix is for you! WAVES has been added as a fully supported and exchangeable asset. Users can copy these keys and use them as they wish. Facebook Twitter YouTube. I did verify I have the latest update jim.

Sign in to add this to Watch Later. When you send you have more info listed than when you receive. Bugfix for the total view Thicker transaction scrollbar grab area to quickly scroll through hundreds of transactions. Release Notes Note: Bittrex does allow multiple accounts. Download Exodus Special thanks to Exodus user Stephan Wingert for finding and reporting this! Execute multiple exchanges! We made a very quick 2 free beginners guide to bitcoin coinbase wire money out overview movie of Exodus. List of all new CoinTracking features I notice a time theme coinbase beneficiary bitcoin miner other than nicehash. Amount available was showing negative values if a user had 0 assets.

Ethereum addresses are natively longer and they need special care in the entire application. Exodus welcomes Monero! This fixes an issue where balances show zero, zilch, nada when market data was not available. EOS mainnet has been added to the exchange. This one was a doozie. The wallet is available to download for free across Windows, Mac and Linux devices. Additional safety checks have been put in place on sending assets to check-and-double-check you are not mistakenly sending the same payment by clicking twice! Well, actually it did something that caused an error.

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