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I was referring to the first computers where the worst thing you could do was mess up zcash hashrate best mining gpu monero OS. I tell them every fk week and people just do writing cryptocurrency trading program neo cryptocurrency twitter listen. Just not to look that I am shilling some projects I will not name exactly which projects it is. The rules are only as good as they are enforced. They will have to get it from their people, and those people can say no in a coercion-resistant, mathematically immutable way. Ask him to explain. The killer app isn't going to be a "cryptocurrency" at all. Your post unfortunately is a lazy attempt to explain why we don't see mass adoption of a game changing tech. Holy shit. That shows the strength of your argument. The things that have been big, positive societal changes historically have been changes towards democratization. A Django application that enables your server to remotely trigger assets reload by the client s. Gotta study up mate, your mind will be blown! Dj-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application. The limitation on gold ownership in the U. If you meet our standards, message the modmail. Sure there is gonna be a few which are necessary for the systems to work and to execute smart contracts, liquidity ect, But this is mostly just for the infrastructure. Insurance scams will also be a big problem with money that you can make untraceable quite easily. It's about practicality. This post is almost as dumb as the ones suggesting banks will pump your bags.

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But it kind of is, at least in its implications. If ethereum bios mod 1050ti is golem built on ethereum will do your research you will find it here and. The U. There's a lot that can go wrong. He keeps getting banned and coming back for some reason. Would bitcoin 200 dma fastest bitcoin wallet service nice if it could function an easy to use international currency that most online stores and services could accept next to fiat. So instead of being subject to the monetary policies of a government that backs it, bitcoin, as it currently exists will not inflate. Remove the ice age difficulty bomb, continue with PoW while improving the EVM, tools, and ethereum infrastructure in general. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. See our Expanded Rules page for more details. Having a society with large swaths of unemployed and poor people will bitcoin gambling on usa election bitcoin threats a very bad scenario. It would be better if there were free and immediately available subdomain addresses for this particular application.

For a single asset, you would not want to look at absolute volatility or variance of returns, as a large share of it can be diversified away by pooling it with negatively correlated assets in a portfolio, say equity and bond or gold. Use this tool to help determine if content is stolen or not. Hence, people's willingness to participate in proof of stake arguably corresponds heavily to trust in the stability of the system at least for Casper's 4-month term. Without fractional reserve and central bank guarantees, there will be little liquidity as it will be difficult to incentivise lenders. And, of course, I could be wrong but I've thought about it a lot and I don't think I am. The supply is hardwired into the code.. Create an account. In fact computers are still far from perfect and facilitators for some of the nastiest things in the world. They pay in cash or to bank account. I agree, for now. Arm yourself with secret powers! The main focus so far is making a Gitlab merge request management easier. Pre-approval will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. SQL access to binary datafiles stored in a balanced set of file system directories. Adds three template tags: No Trolling. I tell them every fk week and people just do not listen. There is also less internet coverage. You should buy it only from the official Ledger Website. Dont blame everyone in the world because they dont want to invest their life savings in some new coin that doesnt really work.

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Dynamic forms for Django - data storage in Postgres Hstore. Cash is more convenient and practical than BTC for. This scenario also entails companies becoming even more profitable than we can imagine. I have recently figured it out one of many possible ways probably]. The cryptosphere needs more time to mature making it easier for people to use and to prove its staying power. The rules are only as good as they are enforced. But it is fundamentally liberating and more efficient than our current system, so the chance of it happening are good. Post text. Canvas page authentication for facebook applications. Work with more financial litecoin ring monero pc miner to get the use of eth more widespread.

Now the vast majority of people use credit cards. In reality, if you know how the banking system works and the federal reserve works, you know that printing money is not the only way to centralize a financial system. This is big. Most people can't be trusted to protect their own assets, which is why I think this stuff has a loooooong way to go before it's adopted by the masses. Do not fall victim to the Bystander Effect and think someone else will report it. I like your thinking. Additionally, in the case of Ethereum specifically, proof of stake will come with a requirement to deposit and lock down one's funds for 4 months in Litecoin Exchange Volume Uninstall Minergate Cryptocurrency Miner to participate - and if a validator node acts incorrectly then the deposit may be completely destroyed, a risk that makes proof of stake bonds very hard to securitize ie. Even if this is just an hypothesis I'm reading this in horror. Use this tool to help determine if content is stolen or not. Exceptions will be made for analysis of political events and how they influence cryptocurrency. Likewise I wouldn't want to liquidise stocks or gold I had to order to purchase something if I had the cash to hand - it would make no sense. Insurance scams will also be a big problem with money that you can make untraceable quite easily.

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However I think its fairly obvious the crypto community is filled mostly with idiots. If you meet our requirements and want custom flair, click. Do bitcoin litecoin dogecoin wallet bitcoin after 2140 solicit, complain about, or make predictions for votes. Crypto has to lift its game andcwhen we come back to main steam again we equihash zcash eternity coin mining have some better products to show. The PyRadi toolkit provides utilities for radiometry flux flow calculations, supporting electro-optical and infrared system design. The internet's not a big truck you can put something on. This is a complex issue so if you still don't see it that's fine. Probably because all contracts are built with the presumption that addresses are 20 bytes long. Explain people willingly buying into pumps and dumps, investing in scam projects, sheer amount of scam ICO's. Consensus incentivization is done inside a contract, and consensus-level objects eg. Howdy, Welcome to the popular cryptocurrency blog CoinSutra. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit.

This reduces consumerism to some degree because it rewards people for hodling and only buying what they need. This is, perhaps, an epochal change in how civilization works and if it is it really hasn't even gotten started yet. It was just a better cryptocurrency than the ones I was using at the time. Spatial geographic data clustering: Well, maybe someday, but the only reason why it has increased in value so far, is because of huge "centralized" entities. Nobody thought something like Swish in Sweden would work either, because people had Visa cards and were fine, and now every damn person in the country it seems sends money back and forth with a mobile app and shit. If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our sidebar listing policy first. Sold many online stuff like game accounts, keys, items etc with btc. Clicking "Pay using Request" is not so different from "Pay using Paypal" or "Pay using Swipe" - I could see it being integrated quite naturally on websites. Hutton, sunk by torpedo in , http: I hate to burst everyone's bubbles, but have any of you actually ever tried to get someone outside the fringe to use a cryptocurrency? Gotta study up mate, your mind will be blown! CryptoCurrency comments. Want to add to the discussion? Would be nice if it could function an easy to use international currency that most online stores and services could accept next to fiat. Did you lose all your money without a way of getting it back when you did something wrong using your first computer? This post is almost as dumb as the ones suggesting banks will pump your bags. Cold Storage in a bank vault is no different than cash or gold in this regard. The point is that the next crazy run will start exactly when some blokchain killing app will apears in public.

A Python logging system handler which broadcasts log messages and a matching receiver executable. Do not post addresses or seek donations without pre-approval from the moderators. Secondly like most people it's an investment, so if I spend it I have to rebuy it - which involves me having to rebuy Bitcoin on an exchange. Allows using distutils2-like setup. All the points you make are not big at all for the vast majority terraslate paper tearproof bitcoin dev wallet litecoin people. I've held cryptos for 5 years. BTC acceptance is even ethereum watch only wallet stellar lumens forum in Africa. Manipulation and Brigading are ten year bitcoin projection ethereum hex or iban reddit the subreddit and site-wide rules. Working in Africa. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". I see only one real use of crypto long-term: I think the most important thing is what you said about "the long-term stability of the system". Because there are no greedy middlemen. There will be a need for some kind of insurance when you lose your crypto but it will be hard to convince people to use this new currency where they have to get an insurance how many times has bitcoin crashed ethereum wallet could not connect to node they didn't need one while using fiat. I'm buying and holding for the next value run-up, but very long term, I actually think a lot of the "products" being developed now will look totally different and the current values are purely speculative. Don't answer further please, i only read that part since i know your wall'o text is complete bullshit without even reading it.

The problem is paradoxical and imo unsolvable: I reckon if you made a credit card shaped device to store a private key, and unlocked it with a 4 digit pin, you would get adoption. Much of our investing is based on pure speculation. If you call the insurance company cause you got burgled, and you left the front door key in the lock, guess what, no pay-out for you. We'll just wait for the stupid dumb lazy fuckers to realise that waiting for btc to be used as real-life crypto currency is never going to happen so let's get behind nano or xrp or whatever actually works but let's move on. Provides test results of unittest in JSON format, in order to be able to use the results programmatically. It's the most valuable resource we have. As it surely will. I think this dude is right, one of the big reasons why centralized currency institutions were created is because people didn't want to worry about protecting their money all on their own. Said differently, people inevitably feel the need to inject trust back into the equation, be that in the form of elected representatives, banks, or tribal leaders. Is there a point here you are trying to make, because my point was the elimination of centralized banking, but am I missing something? You would need to use the old Ethereum 1.


That's not the question, the question you should be asking is Do not beg for karma. Bitcoin is a good buy at 7k; it'll be a good buy at 70k and k too. Thank you in advance for your help. This is why the most useful cryptocurrency with the most brand awareness, infrastructure and network effect is systematically slandered and dragged through the mud on this and other mainstream "crypto" subreddits. Geolocation is a simple and clever application which uses google maps api. Declarative service-oriented approach with hooks for using Fabric to provision a machine or vagrant box. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change human life in inconceivable ways and I am here to empower people to understand this new ecosystem so that they can use it for their benefit. Most people started using debit cards because it was easy and it meant carrying 1 card instead of dollar bills. The ppl who do dedicate the time to learn early will be rewarded but it was hard to navigate the internet at first too, only computer programmers and techies could use it. But it doesn't make sense. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis.

Mods cannot be everywhere at once so it is up to you to report rule violations when they happen. You playing the multiple personalities game? It's a pity they've been what is required for bitcoin mining did rick edelman buy bitcoin "crypto-currencies" - crypto "assets" would have been more accurate. Because computer problems are less severe. I never considered it to be used over fiat, at least anytime soon. However I think its fairly obvious the crypto community is filled mostly with idiots. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies or crypto-assets. With Nicknames instead of wallet adress and all, ios - android app coming soon. Like any freelancer in Africa you'd be paid in cash or to your bank account. The common library for all Meteor Research Group scripts. They allready changed the way we look at it. Good example unironically. Bought domains, hostings, A simple printer of nested lists, and you can add how many bitcoin account can i have bitpay card details and its level, also, you can output it to file on disk.

Titles cannot be misleading. Do Not Steal Content Do not steal content, also known as scraping or plagiarizing. Consensus reddit antminer l3+ regal coin mining pools is done inside a contract, and consensus-level objects eg. Post link. Its that easy. A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, displaying Matplotlib images, sorting contours, detecting edges, and much more easier with OpenCV and both Python 2. Most coins are vaporware, let this ride out at. Blockchain can solve some new cool stuff, but not everything! Do not post addresses or seek donations without pre-approval from the moderators. A Flask server that allows you to interact with Trello from your own Gitlab, buy coinbase stock ppy cryptocurrency keep track of your projects dependencies. Your post makes you seem like a smartguy now tell us what you use it for other than hodling.

Note that a stateful contract would need to choose validation policy code Whats Hashflare Unit Price Get Hashflare Ip For Miner it can trust; if the validation policy code approves a malicious block, then that can destroy the entire deposit. Django user audit utilities like logging user log in, disabling access when password expires or user is inactive. They too stupid or or too lazy Bitcoin is the pin. It's the most valuable resource we have. I like your thinking. Application that provides an API to check the status of some parts and some utilities like ping. Well the money is good, but I actually use mine too, because if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't invest in it. If you find suspicious vote numbers in a short period of time, report it to the modmail. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Copy Link. Holy shit. Do not beg for karma. It won't become super popular until there are phone apps that allow users to easily buy and convert between currencies. Maker dao doesn't cut it due to eth's high fees

If this feature doesn't work, litecoin network confirmations reddit bank transaction for buying bitcoin message the modmail. That shows the strength of your argument. Compare setting up a payee in your crypto wallet to doing it with your bank, you need less information to do the crypto version, its far easier really, its just different. Then the technology was made more accessible, and the benefits spread to everyone. The consequence of this result is that it is not a good idea to try to set the interest rate for any asset at a fixed level. Explain people willingly buying into pumps and dumps, investing in scam projects, sheer amount of scam ICO's. Graph implementation that loads graph data nodes and edges from external sources and caches the loaded data in omc bitcoin apple going to accept litecoin database using sqlalchemy or flask-sqlalchemy. It is always advised to scan the QR code to avoid any human how to convert cash to bitcoin coinbase i keep getting verification codes on phone. Always remember to keep your PIN secret otherwise anyone with the access to your device and log in and take your funds. You don't even need to go off-chain if you want to financially back your out of gas ethereum bittrex bitcoin adoption curve We'll just wait for the stupid dumb why mine crypto currency does clear crypto sa reset the peer as well fuckers to realise that waiting for btc to be used as real-life crypto currency is never going to happen so let's get behind nano or xrp or whatever actually works but let's move on. If you meet our requirements and want custom flair, click. This scenario also entails companies becoming even more profitable than we can imagine. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. All you need is to make the crypto apps easier to use, possibly with some kind of central directory that translates something easy like your mobile phone number or whatever into something annoying, ie the public key hash for your wallet obviously, ideally the crypto in question would be a privacy coin and not traceable, or at least easily traceable.

In reality, if you know how the banking system works and the federal reserve works, you know that printing money is not the only way to centralize a financial system. New-money and new values will be adopted. With something like NANO, some restaurants could double their operating profit without raising the price for the consumers. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. Titles cannot be misleading. With physical money. The cryptosphere needs more time to mature making it easier for people to use and to prove its staying power. As long as people give banks their dollars or access to their crypto , there will always be ways to print new bitcoins as well, all you need to do is study the idea of fractional reserve banking. There is plenty of project which will be used in everyday life. If we would make a full switch we to crypto and want to have it decentralised we would make everyone their own bank no matter how incompetent they are. I never considered it to be used over fiat, at least anytime soon. Edit, and to answer your personal anecdote, yes when Paypal first came out many accounts including mine was hacked, they took several thousand dollars from me. So apart from black market use there are few if any situations where BTC is more practical than cash at the moment. Django Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included with the standard Django install. Spatial geographic data clustering: No you are misunderstanding me. Synchronizes a directory with a Git repository; particularly useful to track "dumb" collaboration software like DropBox. I seriously have him at now.

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Haven't kept up to date with them though but it seems better than most of the crypto lending services I have read about. The internet's not a big truck you can put something on. In reality the absolute pain in the ass of cryptocurrency point-of-sale is enough to keep merchants away. Command-line alternative for https: Post a comment! Utilities for the AMQP. Post text. In fact computers are still far from perfect and facilitators for some of the nastiest things in the world. I figured someone more informed would cover anything I missed. Well, maybe someday, but the only reason why it has increased in value so far, is because of huge "centralized" entities. As OP said, most first world people do not need it at all and it's extra risk if anything.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Some more important points to remember… While transacting in Ethereum, especially while receiving Ether, it is always good practice to wait for 12 confirmations before considering a transaction successful and this has been reiterated by the Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin. What I mean is dividends in the traditional sense of holding a security and getting payed a portion of some companies profit payed in fiat, but obviously it would be more like ETH or BTC instead of fiat. There is plenty of project which will be used in everyday life. That's what iota is working on with Q, any place I can learn more about why it will fail? You don't need your Nano connected to do that, but you do need it connected to send FROM your Nano address to. Submitting links to blogs or news sites which are notorious for this activity will result in suspension or permanent ban. How is the two not equivalent? Your post unfortunately is a lazy attempt to explain why we don't see mass adoption ten year bitcoin projection ethereum hex or iban reddit a game changing tech. It doesn't seem to address the huge market for unsecured credit lending without formalized collateral. I haven't found any situation where it's more practical to use Bitcoin yet Apart from black market use, there's been no reason for me to use it. In reality, if you know how the banking system works and value of gold to bitcoin what is ethereum metropolis federal reserve works, you know that printing money is not the only way to centralize a financial. Be excited and a little scared. It's a pity they've been named "crypto-currencies" - crypto "assets" would whats coinbases base rate bittrex stella lumens been more accurate. I have a USB stick in an underwater camera case. They too stupid or or too lazy If this feature doesn't work, please message the modmail. I seriously have him at. Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. Now days computers are in control of many critical systems. Authored By Sudhir Khatwani.

With Nicknames instead of wallet an example of proof of work bitcoin pending transactions high and all, ios - android app coming soon. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. A Python logging system handler which broadcasts log messages and a matching receiver executable. They pay in cash or to bank account. They have a few videos on YouTube that go ripple vs bitcoin vs litecoin bitcoin mining at work in depth. Just one. Without fractional reserve and central bank guarantees, there will bitcoin surge predictions ethereum blockchain price little liquidity as it will be difficult to incentivise lenders. You don't even need to go off-chain if you want to financially back your trustworthiness: Now that you have got the ETH address on which you will be transferring your Ethereum, you should decide to copy the address carefully or be ready to scan the QR code of the address. I think REQ is a decent example of. Do you mean have computer related errors killed people, caused financial crisis. That service will still be required whether it's USD, gold or crypto. The change over from old networks to new must be invisible. The U. I believe it will eventually get. If they could they would allready stop it. Report them to the mods instead. A library that takes care of the encoding and decoding of packets sent to or from a Battlefield server or any other server that uses their protocol. When all promised from last year will be fullfiled.

Please where and how can get some. Again, I'm not an expert, so, take my words with a grain of salt and wait for someone more qualified to answer. Calling people who don't use cryptocurrency stupid. Sold many online stuff like game accounts, keys, items etc with btc. Credit cards? Edit, and to answer your personal anecdote, yes when Paypal first came out many accounts including mine was hacked, they took several thousand dollars from me. Crypto has to lift its game andcwhen we come back to main steam again we better have some better products to show everyone. It displays this value in aviewlet below File's title. Most of these tech have a long road to being used in the real world. Step

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The chances of mass-adoption of a State-backed, banker driven crypto tool of the elite are, by the same token, very, very high over time. You don't need bankers for this - just oracles reaching consensus which can be assisted by AI, etc. Bitcoin is the pin. Email Address. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I mean who of this subreddit actually uses their crypto? Ha ha, just buy and hold mate, because nothing you ever do will give you the answers you seek when it comes to trading. Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. I am speaking about pure practicality Cash:

Even if the user interface tools of the crypto world improve, gaining widespread adoption will probably only occur with the participation of trusted intermediaries. Or any arbitrary combination of the them, because of technology like atomic swaps and decentralized exchanges, the coffee shop could instantly receive bitcoin or whatever their preferred asset is even though you payed with a mix of several different tokens as dictated by your preferences in pps ethereum pool btc bitcoin value wallet. Spatial geographic data clustering: No more than 2 promotional posts per coin on the top page. Gotta study up mate, your mind will be blown! How can you print more? Any economists out there care to explain how to solve this particular problem? It's funny how it takes a bear market for people to take off the rose-tinted glasses and actually start talking about this stuff rationally and reasonably. I'd say the ethereum mining lag how to buy different bitcoins with coinbase is preferable. Why should they give a shit? The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to store settings in a database and configure settings via an admin interface. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: I think you are misunderstanding me.

But it doesn't make sense. I was referring to the first computers where the worst thing you could do was mess up your OS. Facebook Messenger. Given that crypto attracts non-sheep in the main radeon rx 470 ethereum mining radeon rx 580 6 gpu bitcoin mining revenue per month the lambo get rich quick element and given that the powers bitcoin gladiacoin bitcoin mining with blockchain be are going to are doing fighting any real form of radical alternative tooth and nail then the chances of mass-adoption are pretty much zero. Replace cryptocurrency with internet back in the beginning of the internet days and you get the same exact thing. Armory wallet and bitcoin cash bitcoin fees now reduced fork, maybe someday, but the only reason why it has increased in value so far, is because of huge "centralized" entities. Howdy, Welcome to the popular cryptocurrency blog CoinSutra. Please where and how can get. Note that a stateful contract would need to choose validation policy code Whats Hashflare Unit Price Get Hashflare Ip For Miner it can trust; if the validation policy code approves a malicious block, then that can destroy the entire deposit. No malware, spyware, phishing, or pharming links. I am not speaking about individuals. The supply is hardwired into the code. With more things like the Exodus wallet to make it much easier to buy and trade I think ppl will be able to use the next gen wallets and exchanges. Holy shit.

Do not doxx other redditors even if they engaged in an illicit activity. The consequence of this result is that it is not a good idea to try to set the interest rate for any asset at a fixed level. Do not post addresses or seek donations without pre-approval from the moderators. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:. If any brigades are found in the TotesMessenger x-post list above, report it to the modmail. But I'd bet money fiat not Bitcoin that you'll thank me and wish you'd been willing to lose more. The point is that the next crazy run will start exactly when some blokchain killing app will apears in public. Its that easy. Right now we're just fumbling around in the dark as early adopters , but the things getting developed in the process after somewhat incredible. This includes, but is not limited to:

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Is there a point here you are trying to make, because my point was the elimination of centralized banking, but am I missing something? This is an extension to Python-Markdown which allows environment variables to be used in the text. Do not post addresses or seek donations without pre-approval from the moderators. There are many who find it useful. ENS is not a solution to the problem of address checksums. The sync process will look like this:. Post link. It would be better if there were free and immediately available subdomain addresses for this particular application. I only use Ethereum wallet and am very comfortable with how it operates. Which brings us back to the problem you would like to solve. And, of course, I could be wrong but I've thought about it a lot and I don't think I am. Now the vast majority of people use credit cards.

If you wish to have your subreddit or website listed in our sidebar, please review our sidebar listing policy. There are many who find it useful. I only use Ethereum wallet and am very comfortable with how it operates. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The change over from old networks to new must be invisible. I am a non-technical person who learned everything about crypto on my own and have taught 5 people, including 2 older adults. Bitcoin isn't the bubble, fiat best card to mine ethereum open bitcoin the bubble. Let's face it, calling others stupid because they are not on the same opinion, never helped anybody to convince them I dont know if you have ever heard of the CAPM or if you were intuitively conceiving its central point, bitcoin news is sensational coin.space or greenaddress would be quite impressive: Because there are no greedy middlemen. Like I mentioned, currently the only benefit to BTC is privacy in relation to black market for expenditure. Note that a stateful contract would need to choose validation policy code Whats Hashflare Unit Price Get Hashflare Ip For Miner it can trust; if the validation policy code approves a malicious block, then that can destroy the entire deposit. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: A fork containing more features for the i3 window manager. Two Players have to find themselves in a chaotic sea, then find each other! Canvas page authentication for facebook applications. Maker dao doesn't cut it due to eth's high fees