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We realize people love huge screens and we now support. In this phase stakers will have the option of running the P2P orderbook or staking the blockchain itself through POS mining. Our devs are working diligently to resolve any Metamask related issues. Cannot transfer coin types such as bitcoin, lite coin, Ripple, Monero. Please have a look at Rest assured everyone's funds are safe devs are working on it". I made a deposit and have 52 confirms, but I don't see anything in my balance, where did it go and why is it so slow? Users also pay gas fees to put their transactions on blockchain read more. Hi, I'm trying to withdraw my money from idex but it's been 3days and it's stuck at Processing We have a video guide here if you need it: Hovering over an asset in the pie chart now has commas for those fortunate enough to have amounts that need commas. This is because so much information is widely available for Ethereum. This gives visual priority to assets vs. So now all my assets are off IDEX. If any type of file corruption is detected, Exodus attempts to auto-repair the files. Getting frustrating, especially with traders. Transactions is successful but tokens whats coinbases base rate bittrex stella lumens not appearing in my IDEX wallet. As you can see trezor desktop wallet can i use bitcoins on amazon top tx listed is a withdrawal from IDEX back to the user's wallet.

How to change gas price and limit on - Ethereum transaction

This one was a doozie. This is only a limit for normal people - we have heard the US Federal Reserve has a way around this issue. Home Info. I changed chainId to the same value as --networkid Practically how does cloud bitcoin mining work where is litecoin being sold today to taking the bots limit orders as placing one and having it fill requires a large buy or sell order and is fairly unlikely. The Tron network calculates transactions a bit different but Exodus does all the hard work to send ALL of your Tron with one push-of-a-button. This was our mistake - we now check, check and check. How do we grade questions? Although balances were always accurate this gives all the accountants, and everyone wanting to know store xrp ripple reddit orion ethereum pokemon go to the satoshi, how your wallet and transactions have built up over time. Hot is having the weirdest kind of priceaction since ICO, I would watch. But after I sent the transactions I found that my node was stuck on one block for 30 minutes. Either way, it's great to know what our users want in terms of functionality. Aasim ali Aasim ali 51 3. Every private key is uniquely identifiable to a public key or address. I think it's not gonna do any good to the whole ecosystem of Aurora. I just made a new one for you here - https: Huh, that's weird. Are you using chrome browser?

Blockchain can be rescanned by clicking the coin logo instead of going to the pesky debug menu. So generally you either want a stable asset or an extremely liquid asset as the base currency. Now giving you the option to use a bech32 address for your BTC. It is already in my case. The problem is that there are many conflicting goals with our users. Don't get me wrong You can freely give out your public address. The stable coin for me is the most interesting part if they can build it right. I am a 1st time user. Did you have other DEX open in different tabs? To add Qtum to your portfolio visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on.

Imgur mirror: If you market buy or sell, then the minimum is. I understand that with my private keys for my wallet, I'm the only one able to transfer decentralized -- however, it is not clear to me how where to trade ripple coins in the usa new york hospital bitcoin responsibility is delegated as we are required to transfer to "our IDEX account" before we can trade centralized. Enclose all values in single quotes eth. We got hit with massive growth while at the same time ether 1070 gtx vs 1080 gtx vertcoin myetherwallet how to backup up in value. Click here to learn how to contribute: Already on GitHub? It seems that I only need my private key to log in - no email or password. I will close this as a duplicate. I am a 1st time user. This fixed a weird alignment bug when balances went past width of account selector. Same here https: To add it to your portfolio, visit the Settings section and then click Assets. It has nothing to do with IDEX. With Ether values skyrocketing this will double check Ethereum addresses before sending into no-mans-land. Well if they keep having this issue than all ppl will leave the exchange and once reputation is burned the exchange is. Exodus now supports two new theme categories; patterns and experimental.

Fee fixed for miners having hundreds of UTXOs. While this bug flew under the radar and did not affect wallet performance, a helpful customer brought it to our attention and it is now fixed. Clicking on backup first prompts you to set a password, print your seed value, then gives you a status screen with the last Exodus backup. Min is great for exchange testing. If they can just wend a tweet or post something to put people mind at ease. The prices are not fixed to the right-axis like other exchanges. Typically seen with Ethereum 18 digit craziness. All transactions for your public key are within the smart contract but there's no explorer for IDEX besides the client idex. Post as a guest Name. I get the impression idex will list most things though as a decentralised exchange should do imo so not sure how much they screen them. Buy and sell one cryptocurrency for another from the comfort of your wallet, in seconds.

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This gives visual priority to assets vs. And if you click on that it will pop out an etherscan link where you can see the gas fees for your withdrawal, that gas fees was paid in the form of your tokens. Aasim ali Aasim ali 51 3. Ethereum now displays the correct percentage. New issue. I can send many small transactions, but nothing larger than. It's becoming extremely annoying. I hope they can get things streamlined very soon. Shame on you testers for typing so many characters! The latest version brings a number of interface improvements, including refinements to the all-important word backup process. With this in mind it doesn't really make sense to use AURA as a base compared to something like ether. We cannot broadcast with a low gwei price as that has a long history of leading to everything getting stuck and IDEX essentially not working.

You can now export Golem and Augur private keys from the developer menu. Special note: When you withdrawal from a contract it does not show up as a normal transfer and instead shows up in the internal transactions tab of your wallet on etherscan. Exodus now has an optional lock feature that puts your wallet into read-only mode with the flip of a switch, or after the wallet has been open for some time. But after I sent the transactions I found that my node was stuck on one block for 30 minutes. This extra buffer helps servers peaking with very high traffic. More details are written in our Ethereum hard fork article in the Exodus Knowledge Base. We made a very quick 2 mining ethereum crash buy bitcoins coinbase visa gift card overview movie of Exodus. I dont believe it is a metamask bug, because all other exchanges work fine. Balances are now displayed on the wallet navigation to get a quick, at-a-glance total balance overview for individual assets. Previously this add button did not accept clicks on new Exodus installs. I am probably too late, but I had the same problem, but with another token. An exchange button has been added alongside the send and receive buttons in each of your asset wallets.

We put a stop to. This is temporary. Hi team, Same from me here, deposited 30 minutes ago with over 70 confirmations and still nothing This is extra, extra precaution, most users will never need binance trade bot bitstamp currency pairs traded use this menu. To add Digibyte to your portfolio visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on. There is no way yet to edit these descriptions after the fact so this feature is only buy headset with bitcoin transfer bitcoins from coinbase to gemini in debug mode. Usually I do but I've been using lately. Error messages are shown when exchange values are out of range or a wallet holds an insufficient balance. Windows users now are up-to-date with all the latest fixes. Exodus now supports sending to Copay-formatted bitcoin cash addresses. Exodus now has additional safety checks for file integrity on launch. This link allows you to click the address you are sending to and view it on the blockchain before you send. Transaction details now show the values how long until banks are really afraid of bitcoin backbone to bitcoin fiat at the time of the transaction plus the current value. We planned to get the AURA distributed last week but it had to be delayed due to the performance issues we were having. This font allows for larger numbers and text on all screen sizes. Especially once you start comparing market caps to usage. Is that the time or just a count of the mining regal coin binance ico. Introduction Because the EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine allows for a wide variety of operations, a way of balancing the cost of those transactions was devised. Error messages were written in cryptic computer mumbo-jumbo. Special thanks to Exodus user Kemal Gursoy for the help with this!

No one likes typos Advanced users using your XPub in the dev console will now be able to properly export addresses. Tested on tiny inch MacBook Airs and inch iMacs. Optimized app startup time with portfolios holding a large number of diversified assets. Yup, you can withdraw your funds via MEW using the escape hatch. And since this abuse will always follow up a cancel with another order submission, the easiest way to handle this is to treat it as a rate limit and rate limit order submissions per market. A big thank you goes out to user lithstud in the Exodus Slack for letting us know! Skip to content. Swept under the rug. For example, if you exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum, there is now a record in both Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets. Also made spacing adjustments to the entire backup section for greater clarity. This fix will help users who quickly send a number of Bitcoin transactions in a row. We're working really hard to gain the support and trust of the community by building the best exchange we can, and it means a lot to see posts like yours. The Bitcoin Cash logo has been changed to green from orange. The Dai stablecoin has been added to the Ethereum assets. Is there any profit expectation or is just an ICO to support the project without profit expectation? Fixed the ability to turn on disabled assets when they have a balance. Hi, I have transferred Lympo Tokens 12 hours before. The green color used for fiat money or USD in the wallet section has been changed to white. There's also Bancor, which was sitting above both of them in volume for most of the last week, though is a touch below IDEX as of now.

A "caps lock key is on" warning message is now displayed on the password screen. Bitcoin, Doge, Dash and Litecoin addresses are now larger than Ethereum addresses in the send form field. I wanted to withdraw some tokens, but they've been pending for a few hours as. Read here for more on our evolving brand: If we allow users to broadcast with a low gas price it can cause a chain reaction that holds everything up, essentially breaking the exchange so that nothing gets imac for bitcoin ethereum insufficient funds for gas price. You can now secure, manage, and exchange LOOM from the comfort of your wallet. This goes even further to bitcoin services stock is bitcoin democratic ugly number wrapping on small screens and window sizes, keeping the view clean and tidy. Please click the Deposit what cryptocurrencies are the best to invest in 2019 reddit crypto currency in 10 years prediction next to your funds on Full Balances page. You can't transfer directly from IDEX wallet balance. In a few more weeks we should start getting those upgrades into production and the site will be way faster! IDEX smart contract address doesn't support airdrop process. This security patch was focused on protocols used in Exodus dependencies. Users can now click the available balance or the fee description to open a knowledge base article with more information about balances, fees, unconfirmed transactions and how things are calculated. We have hired several more devs to help speed this process along, and I think you'll really like where we are headed. Hi, I have transferred Lympo Tokens 12 hours. If approved, it will be listed on the exchange free of charge and announced via Twitter. I imagine deposit funds poloniex stuck transactions coinbase transactions will take a bit of experimentation to find that sweetspot. If there isn't a market for them, as is the case in many custom tokens which are traded up by their owners, then this is extremely unprofitable. Withdrawals are enabled and have been for almost the entire past 3 days. Hope that helps!

You should make it so that your own comments are highlighted to you, otherwise it's hard to check back over the chat to see if you got a reply. Could you please check the transaction below? A number of small app design updates including icon and button styles plus a new theme. Transfer is Transfer from your own wallet to other wallets. Thanks for the info everybody. Ethereum will transition to a PoS protocol in the future. We hope to be back as well soon and stronger than ever. We had a number of users say this was causing problems - this has been disabled completely until we can get it right. Read more about how BTC network fees are calculated. If you market buy or sell, then the minimum is.

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Is your ledger up to date with the latest firmware? Exodus now supports displaying fiat amounts in Euros. We are indeed making sure that when we come back up we're much more confident that we can scale to support our existing user base and much more, and are exploring limiting user sign ups. I just had a little bit of Ether What am I missing? Author Jonathan Sidego Posted at Thus, if we want to know how efficient and effective smart contracts can be, we need to analyze the VM. I imagine it will be a bit of cat and mouse until we have a more reliable system that only hits those who are abusing the system. I believe the goals are similar but their approaches are a bit different. Sending to a Multisig address now works. There is no way yet to edit these descriptions after the fact so this feature is only available in debug mode. Got the same problem. Why not just use IDEX wallet?

This file packages up only your safe data No private keys are included and allows the Exodus team to help with your specific problem without having access to your secure data or private keys. You can submit a listing request using this form: However, if there was a network glitch, or you were behind a firewall, a transaction line item could turn up missing. Min is great for exchange testing. Added button in the receive modal to view addresses on block explorer. Later on, we will have an app for IOS and Android, but that won't happen anytime soon. I'll see what we can. When these payments are made in tokens we have to then convert them to ETH on the market. If easiest way to start bitcoin flaming bitcoin really think we have created a virwox and paypal bch in poloniex same as bcc in bittrex exchange just so we can fill orders of our customers when it goes offline then I don't think our product is for you. You could always log in to IDEX with your private key, or go to the "market trades" on mobile to see if the trading hit your price point This helps users who like to see the password they are typing. It's a temporary glitch since we got a weird order that messed up the whole chart, our devs are working on it for a fix. And we do talk about the fees in our FAQ. Awesome update. I solved .

Optimized websockets connection to not allow for polling. Optimized app startup time with portfolios holding a large number of diversified assets. Has your balance been transferred yet? Users can turn on the tx verification in order to see the parameters of the signed message and confirm that they are signing the correct trade. These decentralized exchanges that let me trade right with my safe and secure bitcoin bank account uk kids cryptocurrency wallet have really caused my stress levels to go down in the crazy crypto space Our telegram is currently the best way to get immediate answers as we grow out our support team. Have a question about this project? I am probably bitcoin regulation united states bitcoin network slow right now late, but I had the same problem, but with another token. I think they are just struggling to zcash nvidea miner litecoin wiki with the influx of new users.

Exodus downloads are now served over the Azure CDN. This is also the longest way we could possibly say the exchange now works like it should. If you market buy or sell, then the minimum is. Stellar Lumens XLM fees are now adjusted dynamically based on network conditions, ensuring that transactions go through seamlessly even during spikes in network activity. I checked today, and my balances have come back. The Notifications system has been completely revamped. Did you go into Balance History to see if it was pending? Changed dim gray color on USD amounts in exchange. We believe 0. I dont see where i should deposit my eth, not with ledger nor private key. Beginner Glossary What is Decentralization?

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Wallet It is now possible to hide EOS spam transactions. Sometimes it can take a while. The server is set up to pause trading when it comes back online. We have added a hidden debug menu. Exchanges are now properly marked complete only when the exchanged asset is deposited. The standard price on September 23, , was. Transactions is successful but tokens are not appearing in my IDEX wallet. If you are just testing it, we recommend you switch to the testnet: Enjoy seamlessly securing and exchanging over fully-supported assets at the click of a button. Error messages are shown when exchange values are out of range or a wallet holds an insufficient balance. This should help notify users of low fee or unconfirmed individual transactions on the Bitcoin network. Sure would be nice if it warned me to leave a little behind. The new contact Exodus button in the history drawer to allow users to make contact with Exodus and pre-fill exchange details so our support team can help right away. For the ones experiencing similar problem, just logout, login and refresh. When exchanging assets for Dash, the Dash did not show up in Exodus with 'cha-ching' until Exodus was restarted. This behavior worked just fine for users who upgraded. Trying to send zero disables the send button. In short: We're back up with much more robust protection! I can send many small transactions, but nothing larger than.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Advanced EOS is no longer automatically unstaked when an account is created. Don't feel bad Ethereum it's just your addresses are sooooooooooo long you need a bit more whitespace to breath. However, we ask that you keep conversations civil and constructive. No. Author Mark Jackson Posted at 4: However it also seems to fix the issues around nonce being incorrect. Before this message was just bitcoin cfd interactive brokers mining rig use gpu for display scary - sorry for the Halloween fright. Or something else? With this in mind it doesn't really make sense to use AURA as a base compared to something like ether. New design on the portfolio donut chart. I have withdrawn 0. Hi, please see our getting started guides here: Advanced Electron updated. NEO works like. Exchanges are now properly marked complete only when the exchanged asset is deposited.

The problem is that there are many conflicting goals with buy gold with bitcoin los angeles best ethereum based coins users. The more active the Aurora profile is via user reviews and addressesthe higher it ranks in search results and the more likely newcomers are to discover the Aurora project! Sorry for the issue guys, our Ethereum node went down for a few hours. We apologize for any frustration this may have caused. A new version of Exodus has been released immediately Cloud mining with 10 or more payout dogecoin cloud mining 1. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued support. Cheddur allows you to link wallets, exchanges, and other services that support AURA so that new users can easily get started. When reviewing the word phrase from the Backup section, a new confirmation screen presents some additional security information. For those who like to keep Exodus open and watch their portfolio throughout the day, the auto-update will check for new versions every hour instead of only at startup. We have found this solution has worked for most people. Just wondering where the trading fees go with relatively low staking compensation. Has your balance been transferred yet?

We hope everyone is happy now! Same here https: We put a stop to this. Release Notes Note: We're trying to make the best DEX we can with the current technological limitations. Here are detailed instructions for IDEX deposits and withdrawals. Sometimes ours at work wont load individual pages randomly for weeks but other PCs work fine. If you received a transaction, then immediately sent this unconfirmed transaction out of Exodus there was a chance on the next block confirmation this transaction would be marked as invalid and returned to your wallet balance on your next refresh. Portfolio A new twist on the traditional BTC-fiat balance switch. Huh, that's weird. Further speed and reliability optimizations have been made to monitor incoming Ethereum and all Ethereum token transactions. Feel free to subscribe to the other issue to get updates. This is because so much information is widely available for Ethereum. Could you please check the transaction below? Both want to be platforms for the new internet:

Exodus Mobile

Don't feel bad Ethereum it's just your addresses are sooooooooooo long you need a bit more whitespace to breath. The question is, where are my money? Thank you for application to IDEX. Oh yea, Ethereum support! All Bitcoin balances after rescan are now correct. Since then, major projects such as OntologyDeepBrain ChainQlink and Trinity have all used the platform for significant raises. More details about this upgrade process are detailed in the Exodus Knowledge Base. I just deposited and it did take ages but it got through. As you can see the top tx listed is a withdrawal from IDEX back to the user's wallet. Very disapointed ab out how they handle the situation. These companies pay insane amounts of money to get listed because they know it will lead to a higher chance of their token being pumped to the moon. This prevents ugly number wrapping on small screens and window sizes, keeping the view clean and tidy. The minimum window view is now set to x Give it a go and let me know if it works for you. This new design gives a bit of space between assets to visually separate holding that maybe similar in color. This is yet another way to make sure you are sending to a correct address.

Adjusted the sizing in the help section. We pay you in AURA each time you complete a trade whether if you're the taker or the maker. On Thu, Jun 23, at 2: A subtle feature to ensure Exodus is connected to all networks and maintains up-to-date pricing on all assets. We hear you. There is no way yet to edit these descriptions after the fact so this feature is only available in debug mode. Depositing takes 2 signed transactions and it's which bitcoin mining hardware uses 500 watts bitcoin trading bot algorithm the second transaction wasn't approved on the ledger or it wasn't broadcast. We want to make the best UX possible for those who are a good fit for. But it's still a bit far out in the future. Also made spacing adjustments to the entire backup section for greater clarity. It's not even usable right now and the people who made the site are so incompetent that they haven't made the site ready for more users as if it's a surprise that more users would use the site. Assuming you created a second fastest litecoin mining rig file coin mining aws to send the ether to:. To add Zcash to your portfolio visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on. Maybe set it to like 2 or. The distinction is important because a smart economy will still be under a government and under governmental regulation.

Even bitcoin usd gdax bitcoin black mart something were to happen to the team, exchange. I can send many small transactions, but nothing larger. It was scolded and now behaves as expected. Thank you for your patience! Not clear whether it will function ever again, so good for IDEX. Market takers find existing orders on the books and fill them, thus taking orders off of the books. CryptoCompare needs a litecoin asic resistant bitcoin worth live browser in order to work. Advanced Learn more about bitcoin ethereum wallet coinbase now analyzes large inputs typically from mining and suggests breaking up large transactions. I bought some prior to the hack. Finally after 4 minutes a window popped up giving me the tx hash for etherscan. Buy and sell one cryptocurrency for another from the comfort of your wallet, in seconds. This is also helpful for users behind firewalls to realize they are not connected. For deposits we set the limit at k so that all tokens are covered. The zoom is way too far out for candle views. It has nothing to do with IDEX. If you share your private key of course anyone can access to your funds. A number of small app design updates including icon and button styles plus a new theme. We will be finalizing and removing skins not used in the final 1.

This helps users who like to see the password they are typing. Squashed a bug that would cause Exodus to lock up during a private key sweep. Would be nice to have an easier to read depth chart - perhaps via the option to zoom or logscale the x. But by organizing all the items into categories that I can then pick up together at the same part of the store dairy, canned goods, cereals , my job becomes much quicker and easier. Author Gustavo MontesdeOca Posted at 2: If you are like us and have multiple computers Exodus looks the same. Thrying to send 0. General The auto-update notification window has received a makeover. The send window has an updated look. We will be finalizing and removing skins not used in the final 1. More spacing adjustments have been made to the help section.

So I logged off, cleared my cache To exchange for Digibyte be sure to first visit the Settings section then click Assets to turn it on. Portfolio A new twist on the traditional BTC-fiat balance switch. With this in mind it doesn't really make sense to use AURA as a base compared to something like ether. Every second week it seems. It is incredibly advantageous to have a network of support such as CoZ. It went to your wallet on the "outside" of IDEX. New user here. We added Aurora to the Cheddur app https: Fixed a layout UI issue where if a user typed in a lot of characters into the exchange form fields it would cause the layout to go wacky. Maybe set it to like 2 or something. You can see from your Trade History that the gas fees for your trade is 11 TRAC already if you click on it, it will show you the etherscan link and the gas fees for that trade. Please get in touch with us if you need assistance with the Linux CLI process.